Postpartum Body Odor & Night Sweats | Sh** No One Warns You About: Postpartum Edition

by | Sep 16, 2024

Today, we’re diving into the less glamorous side of postpartum that no one seems to mention until you’re already knee-deep in it. Ever wondered why no one prepared you for the weird and wacky symptoms that pop up after giving birth? Welcome to our new series, Sh** No One Warns You About: Postpartum Edition. To kick things off, let’s tackle the topics of postpartum body odor and night sweats!

The Unexpected Aroma: What’s Going On?

You may find yourself smelling like a skunk had a party in your armpit. Yes, it’s as delightful as it sounds. This postpartum funk is a classic sign of hormonal changes.

What Can You Do About It?

  • Deodorants: You might want to try charcoal or magnesium-based deodorants. Loom also offers a full-body deodorant that can help.
  • Patience: Ultimately, you’ll just need to ride this out. It’s hormones, pheromones—essentially a chemical signal to your baby that you’re near. It’s a natural part of the process, and thankfully, it does get better.

The Midnight Sweatfest: What’s Happening?

Postpartum night sweats can make you feel like you’re swimming in a puddle of your own sweat. Again, it’s those hormones doing their thing.

What Can You Do About It?

  • Cooling Techniques: Keep a fan running in your room, keep the room cool, and have extra clothes ready for those midnight changes.
  • Absorbent Pads: Use reusable Chucks pads to manage the sweat and keep your bedding dry.
  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated to help your body cope with the fluid loss.

Stay Tuned!

I’ll be covering more postpartum topics in the weeks and months to come, including how to handle scary thoughts—a topic many new parents find crucial.

Final Thoughts

Navigating postpartum life can come with some unexpected surprises—like body odor that could rival a skunk’s and night sweats that leave you drenched. Managing these symptoms is a crucial part of self-care, and you’re doing an amazing job handling it all.

Remember, you’re not alone. These are common and temporary parts of the postpartum journey. Whether you’re planning for the postpartum period or currently navigating it, we’re here to help. Reach out to us at—we’re with you every step of the way and ready to support you!

We’re here for you,

Dr. Haggerty


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